| Pos | Race No | Name | Name | Time | Time | Cat Pos (Gen Pos) | Category | Cat Pos | Time Behind Cat | Gender | Gen Pos | Team | Pos In Team | Points | Dist | Pace | MidPoint | Pace | O/Pos | C/Pos | G/Pos | Finish | Pace | O/Pos | C/Pos | G/Pos |
| 425 | 223 | Charlotte DEVEREUX | Charlotte DEVEREUX #223 Female Y08 | 00:20:27.65 | 00:20:27.65 | 64 (400) | Y08 | 64 | 00:08:10.72 | Female | 400 | Sparta | 63 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:36 min/km | 00:10:01.51 | 6:28 min/km | 401 | 64 | 376 | 00:10:26.13 | 6:43 min/km | 423 | 64 | 394 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:01.51 | 00:10:01.51 | 00:10:01.51 | 09:30:36.51 | 401 | 64 | 376 | 401 | 64 | 376 | Finish | 00:20:27.65 | 00:10:26.13 | 00:10:26.13 | 09:41:02.65 | 425 | 64 | 400 | 423 | 64 | 394 |
| 426 | 236 | Charlotte STOBIE | Charlotte STOBIE #236 Female Y08 | 00:20:27.65 | 00:20:27.65 | 65 (401) | Y08 | 65 | 00:08:10.72 | Female | 401 | Sparta | 64 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:36 min/km | 00:10:00.93 | 6:27 min/km | 397 | 60 | 372 | 00:10:26.71 | 6:44 min/km | 426 | 66 | 397 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:00.93 | 00:10:00.93 | 00:10:00.93 | 09:30:35.93 | 397 | 60 | 372 | 397 | 60 | 372 | Finish | 00:20:27.65 | 00:10:26.71 | 00:10:26.71 | 09:41:02.65 | 426 | 65 | 401 | 426 | 66 | 397 |
| 427 | 255 | Annabelle RUSS | Annabelle RUSS #255 Female Y08 | 00:20:27.84 | 00:20:27.84 | 66 (402) | Y08 | 66 | 00:08:10.91 | Female | 402 | Troy | 73 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:36 min/km | 00:10:01.50 | 6:28 min/km | 400 | 63 | 375 | 00:10:26.34 | 6:44 min/km | 425 | 65 | 396 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:01.50 | 00:10:01.50 | 00:10:01.50 | 09:30:36.50 | 400 | 63 | 375 | 400 | 63 | 375 | Finish | 00:20:27.84 | 00:10:26.34 | 00:10:26.34 | 09:41:02.84 | 427 | 66 | 402 | 425 | 65 | 396 |
| 429 | 251 | Dominique MANASSEH | Dominique MANASSEH #251 Female Y08 | 00:20:34.15 | 00:20:34.15 | 67 (404) | Y08 | 67 | 00:08:17.22 | Female | 404 | Troy | 74 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:38 min/km | 00:09:53.38 | 6:22 min/km | 384 | 56 | 360 | 00:10:40.76 | 6:53 min/km | 460 | 73 | 431 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:53.38 | 00:09:53.38 | 00:09:53.38 | 09:30:28.38 | 384 | 56 | 360 | 384 | 56 | 360 | Finish | 00:20:34.15 | 00:10:40.76 | 00:10:40.76 | 09:41:09.15 | 429 | 67 | 404 | 460 | 73 | 431 |
| 430 | 172 | Madeleine WONG | Madeleine WONG #172 Female Y08 | 00:20:34.33 | 00:20:34.33 | 68 (405) | Y08 | 68 | 00:08:17.40 | Female | 405 | Corinth | 61 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:38 min/km | 00:10:06.43 | 6:31 min/km | 410 | 69 | 385 | 00:10:27.90 | 6:45 min/km | 430 | 68 | 401 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:06.43 | 00:10:06.43 | 00:10:06.43 | 09:30:41.43 | 410 | 69 | 385 | 410 | 69 | 385 | Finish | 00:20:34.33 | 00:10:27.90 | 00:10:27.90 | 09:41:09.33 | 430 | 68 | 405 | 430 | 68 | 401 |
| 436 | 144 | Lola OAKEY | Lola OAKEY #144 Female Y08 | 00:20:51.27 | 00:20:51.27 | 69 (411) | Y08 | 69 | 00:08:34.34 | Female | 411 | Athens | 71 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:43 min/km | 00:10:21.24 | 6:40 min/km | 430 | 70 | 405 | 00:10:30.03 | 6:46 min/km | 432 | 69 | 403 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:21.24 | 00:10:21.24 | 00:10:21.24 | 09:30:56.24 | 430 | 70 | 405 | 430 | 70 | 405 | Finish | 00:20:51.27 | 00:10:30.03 | 00:10:30.03 | 09:41:26.27 | 436 | 69 | 411 | 432 | 69 | 403 |
| 443 | 226 | Lily GIRDWOOD | Lily GIRDWOOD #226 Female Y08 | 00:20:58.76 | 00:20:58.76 | 70 (418) | Y08 | 70 | 00:08:41.83 | Female | 418 | Sparta | 68 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:46 min/km | 00:10:35.13 | 6:49 min/km | 446 | 75 | 421 | 00:10:23.63 | 6:42 min/km | 418 | 61 | 389 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:35.13 | 00:10:35.13 | 00:10:35.13 | 09:31:10.13 | 446 | 75 | 421 | 446 | 75 | 421 | Finish | 00:20:58.76 | 00:10:23.63 | 00:10:23.63 | 09:41:33.76 | 443 | 70 | 418 | 418 | 61 | 389 |
| 445 | 200 | Alexandra CHOONG | Alexandra CHOONG #200 Female Y08 | 00:20:59.98 | 00:20:59.98 | 71 (420) | Y08 | 71 | 00:08:43.05 | Female | 420 | Rome | 59 | 1 | 3.1 | 6:46 min/km | 00:09:19.76 | 6:01 min/km | 330 | 46 | 306 | 00:11:40.22 | 7:31 min/km | 509 | 88 | 480 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:19.76 | 00:09:19.76 | 00:09:19.76 | 09:29:54.76 | 330 | 46 | 306 | 330 | 46 | 306 | Finish | 00:20:59.98 | 00:11:40.22 | 00:11:40.22 | 09:41:34.98 | 445 | 71 | 420 | 509 | 88 | 480 |
| 447 | 225 | Zahra EL-WARDANI | Zahra EL-WARDANI #225 Female Y08 | 00:21:00.39 | 00:21:00.39 | 72 (422) | Y08 | 72 | 00:08:43.46 | Female | 422 | Sparta | 70 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:46 min/km | 00:09:17.54 | 5:59 min/km | 323 | 42 | 299 | 00:11:42.85 | 7:33 min/km | 513 | 89 | 484 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:17.54 | 00:09:17.54 | 00:09:17.54 | 09:29:52.54 | 323 | 42 | 299 | 323 | 42 | 299 | Finish | 00:21:00.39 | 00:11:42.85 | 00:11:42.85 | 09:41:35.39 | 447 | 72 | 422 | 513 | 89 | 484 |
| 469 | 177 | Emily BULT | Emily BULT #177 Female Y08 | 00:21:33.89 | 00:21:33.89 | 73 (444) | Y08 | 73 | 00:09:16.96 | Female | 444 | Olympia | 78 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:57 min/km | 00:10:30.98 | 6:47 min/km | 438 | 71 | 413 | 00:11:02.91 | 7:07 min/km | 480 | 78 | 451 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:30.98 | 00:10:30.98 | 00:10:30.98 | 09:31:05.98 | 438 | 71 | 413 | 438 | 71 | 413 | Finish | 00:21:33.89 | 00:11:02.91 | 00:11:02.91 | 09:42:08.89 | 469 | 73 | 444 | 480 | 78 | 451 |
| 470 | 235 | Georgie ROBINSON | Georgie ROBINSON #235 Female Y08 | 00:21:34.37 | 00:21:34.37 | 74 (445) | Y08 | 74 | 00:09:17.44 | Female | 445 | Sparta | 71 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:57 min/km | 00:10:02.75 | 6:28 min/km | 405 | 66 | 380 | 00:11:31.62 | 7:26 min/km | 504 | 87 | 475 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:02.75 | 00:10:02.75 | 00:10:02.75 | 09:30:37.75 | 405 | 66 | 380 | 405 | 66 | 380 | Finish | 00:21:34.37 | 00:11:31.62 | 00:11:31.62 | 09:42:09.37 | 470 | 74 | 445 | 504 | 87 | 475 |
| 471 | 228 | Freya HARTREE | Freya HARTREE #228 Female Y08 | 00:21:34.57 | 00:21:34.57 | 75 (446) | Y08 | 75 | 00:09:17.64 | Female | 446 | Sparta | 72 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:57 min/km | 00:10:33.69 | 6:48 min/km | 443 | 74 | 418 | 00:11:00.87 | 7:06 min/km | 478 | 77 | 449 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:33.69 | 00:10:33.69 | 00:10:33.69 | 09:31:08.69 | 443 | 74 | 418 | 443 | 74 | 418 | Finish | 00:21:34.57 | 00:11:00.87 | 00:11:00.87 | 09:42:09.57 | 471 | 75 | 446 | 478 | 77 | 449 |
| 472 | 214 | Lucy WILLIAMS | Lucy WILLIAMS #214 Female Y08 | 00:21:36.61 | 00:21:36.61 | 76 (447) | Y08 | 76 | 00:09:19.68 | Female | 447 | Rome | 64 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:58 min/km | 00:10:31.98 | 6:47 min/km | 440 | 72 | 415 | 00:11:04.63 | 7:08 min/km | 482 | 79 | 453 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:31.98 | 00:10:31.98 | 00:10:31.98 | 09:31:06.98 | 440 | 72 | 415 | 440 | 72 | 415 | Finish | 00:21:36.61 | 00:11:04.63 | 00:11:04.63 | 09:42:11.61 | 472 | 76 | 447 | 482 | 79 | 453 |
| 473 | 174 | Amelia BATH | Amelia BATH #174 Female Y08 | 00:21:41.11 | 00:21:41.11 | 77 (448) | Y08 | 77 | 00:09:24.18 | Female | 448 | Olympia | 79 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:59 min/km | 00:10:35.73 | 6:50 min/km | 447 | 76 | 422 | 00:11:05.38 | 7:09 min/km | 483 | 80 | 454 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:35.73 | 00:10:35.73 | 00:10:35.73 | 09:31:10.73 | 447 | 76 | 422 | 447 | 76 | 422 | Finish | 00:21:41.11 | 00:11:05.38 | 00:11:05.38 | 09:42:16.11 | 473 | 77 | 448 | 483 | 80 | 454 |
| 475 | 216 | Tyra XIE | Tyra XIE #216 Female Y08 | 00:21:41.89 | 00:21:41.89 | 78 (450) | Y08 | 78 | 00:09:24.96 | Female | 450 | Rome | 66 | 0 | 3.1 | 6:59 min/km | 00:10:33.24 | 6:48 min/km | 442 | 73 | 417 | 00:11:08.65 | 7:11 min/km | 488 | 81 | 459 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:33.24 | 00:10:33.24 | 00:10:33.24 | 09:31:08.24 | 442 | 73 | 417 | 442 | 73 | 417 | Finish | 00:21:41.89 | 00:11:08.65 | 00:11:08.65 | 09:42:16.89 | 475 | 78 | 450 | 488 | 81 | 459 |
| 477 | 215 | Sophie WOOD | Sophie WOOD #215 Female Y08 | 00:21:46.61 | 00:21:46.61 | 79 (452) | Y08 | 79 | 00:09:29.68 | Female | 452 | Rome | 67 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:01 min/km | 00:11:24.41 | 7:21 min/km | 488 | 86 | 463 | 00:10:22.20 | 6:41 min/km | 417 | 60 | 388 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:24.41 | 00:11:24.41 | 00:11:24.41 | 09:31:59.41 | 488 | 86 | 463 | 488 | 86 | 463 | Finish | 00:21:46.61 | 00:10:22.20 | 00:10:22.20 | 09:42:21.61 | 477 | 79 | 452 | 417 | 60 | 388 |
| 478 | 203 | Asha KAMPF | Asha KAMPF #203 Female Y08 | 00:21:50.90 | 00:21:50.90 | 80 (453) | Y08 | 80 | 00:09:33.97 | Female | 453 | Rome | 68 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:02 min/km | 00:11:16.23 | 7:16 min/km | 483 | 83 | 458 | 00:10:34.66 | 6:49 min/km | 443 | 71 | 414 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:16.23 | 00:11:16.23 | 00:11:16.23 | 09:31:51.23 | 483 | 83 | 458 | 483 | 83 | 458 | Finish | 00:21:50.90 | 00:10:34.66 | 00:10:34.66 | 09:42:25.90 | 478 | 80 | 453 | 443 | 71 | 414 |
| 486 | 147 | Caitlyn ROBSON | Caitlyn ROBSON #147 Female Y08 | 00:22:05.35 | 00:22:05.35 | 81 (461) | Y08 | 81 | 00:09:48.42 | Female | 461 | Athens | 76 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:07 min/km | 00:12:20.47 | 7:57 min/km | 529 | 92 | 504 | 00:09:44.88 | 6:17 min/km | 361 | 46 | 332 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:12:20.47 | 00:12:20.47 | 00:12:20.47 | 09:32:55.47 | 529 | 92 | 504 | 529 | 92 | 504 | Finish | 00:22:05.35 | 00:09:44.88 | 00:09:44.88 | 09:42:40.35 | 486 | 81 | 461 | 361 | 46 | 332 |
| 492 | 137 | Niamh FRASER | Niamh FRASER #137 Female Y08 | 00:22:29.90 | 00:22:29.90 | 82 (467) | Y08 | 82 | 00:10:12.97 | Female | 467 | Athens | 78 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:15 min/km | 00:11:31.73 | 7:26 min/km | 504 | 89 | 479 | 00:10:58.16 | 7:04 min/km | 473 | 75 | 444 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:31.73 | 00:11:31.73 | 00:11:31.73 | 09:32:06.73 | 504 | 89 | 479 | 504 | 89 | 479 | Finish | 00:22:29.90 | 00:10:58.16 | 00:10:58.16 | 09:43:04.90 | 492 | 82 | 467 | 473 | 75 | 444 |
| 494 | 159 | Chanel KAFETZIS | Chanel KAFETZIS #159 Female Y08 | 00:22:30.16 | 00:22:30.16 | 83 (469) | Y08 | 83 | 00:10:13.23 | Female | 469 | Corinth | 69 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:15 min/km | 00:11:32.97 | 7:27 min/km | 507 | 90 | 482 | 00:10:57.19 | 7:03 min/km | 471 | 74 | 442 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:32.97 | 00:11:32.97 | 00:11:32.97 | 09:32:07.97 | 507 | 90 | 482 | 507 | 90 | 482 | Finish | 00:22:30.16 | 00:10:57.19 | 00:10:57.19 | 09:43:05.16 | 494 | 83 | 469 | 471 | 74 | 442 |
| 495 | 231 | Vishmi MAHAPATUNAGE | Vishmi MAHAPATUNAGE #231 Female Y08 | 00:22:30.16 | 00:22:30.16 | 84 (470) | Y08 | 84 | 00:10:13.23 | Female | 470 | Sparta | 77 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:15 min/km | 00:11:30.23 | 7:25 min/km | 502 | 88 | 477 | 00:10:59.93 | 7:05 min/km | 475 | 76 | 446 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:30.23 | 00:11:30.23 | 00:11:30.23 | 09:32:05.23 | 502 | 88 | 477 | 502 | 88 | 477 | Finish | 00:22:30.16 | 00:10:59.93 | 00:10:59.93 | 09:43:05.16 | 495 | 84 | 470 | 475 | 76 | 446 |
| 499 | 213 | Rosie WANG | Rosie WANG #213 Female Y08 | 00:22:34.64 | 00:22:34.64 | 85 (474) | Y08 | 85 | 00:10:17.71 | Female | 474 | Rome | 73 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:16 min/km | 00:11:23.74 | 7:21 min/km | 486 | 84 | 461 | 00:11:10.90 | 7:12 min/km | 489 | 82 | 460 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:23.74 | 00:11:23.74 | 00:11:23.74 | 09:31:58.74 | 486 | 84 | 461 | 486 | 84 | 461 | Finish | 00:22:34.64 | 00:11:10.90 | 00:11:10.90 | 09:43:09.64 | 499 | 85 | 474 | 489 | 82 | 460 |
| 501 | 133 | Teresa Elizabeth CHACKO | Teresa Elizabeth CHACKO #133 Female Y08 | 00:22:37.89 | 00:22:37.89 | 86 (476) | Y08 | 86 | 00:10:20.96 | Female | 476 | Athens | 80 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:18 min/km | 00:10:52.48 | 7:00 min/km | 462 | 80 | 437 | 00:11:45.41 | 7:35 min/km | 516 | 90 | 487 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:52.48 | 00:10:52.48 | 00:10:52.48 | 09:31:27.48 | 462 | 80 | 437 | 462 | 80 | 437 | Finish | 00:22:37.89 | 00:11:45.41 | 00:11:45.41 | 09:43:12.89 | 501 | 86 | 476 | 516 | 90 | 487 |
| 503 | 141 | Sophie LIM | Sophie LIM #141 Female Y08 | 00:22:39.11 | 00:22:39.11 | 87 (478) | Y08 | 87 | 00:10:22.18 | Female | 478 | Athens | 81 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:18 min/km | 00:11:23.98 | 7:21 min/km | 487 | 85 | 462 | 00:11:15.13 | 7:15 min/km | 492 | 84 | 463 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:23.98 | 00:11:23.98 | 00:11:23.98 | 09:31:58.98 | 487 | 85 | 462 | 487 | 85 | 462 | Finish | 00:22:39.11 | 00:11:15.13 | 00:11:15.13 | 09:43:14.11 | 503 | 87 | 478 | 492 | 84 | 463 |
| 504 | 134 | Kaitlyn CHENG | Kaitlyn CHENG #134 Female Y08 | 00:22:39.32 | 00:22:39.32 | 88 (479) | Y08 | 88 | 00:10:22.39 | Female | 479 | Athens | 82 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:18 min/km | 00:11:24.98 | 7:21 min/km | 491 | 87 | 466 | 00:11:14.34 | 7:15 min/km | 491 | 83 | 462 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:24.98 | 00:11:24.98 | 00:11:24.98 | 09:31:59.98 | 491 | 87 | 466 | 491 | 87 | 466 | Finish | 00:22:39.32 | 00:11:14.34 | 00:11:14.34 | 09:43:14.32 | 504 | 88 | 479 | 491 | 83 | 462 |
| 532 | 150 | Hemani TIWARI | Hemani TIWARI #150 Female Y08 | 00:23:48.24 | 00:23:48.24 | 89 (507) | Y08 | 89 | 00:11:31.31 | Female | 507 | Athens | 86 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:40 min/km | 00:12:20.79 | 7:57 min/km | 530 | 93 | 505 | 00:11:27.44 | 7:23 min/km | 503 | 86 | 474 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:12:20.79 | 00:12:20.79 | 00:12:20.79 | 09:32:55.79 | 530 | 93 | 505 | 530 | 93 | 505 | Finish | 00:23:48.24 | 00:11:27.44 | 00:11:27.44 | 09:44:23.24 | 532 | 89 | 507 | 503 | 86 | 474 |
| 533 | 220 | Tanvi BUCHIBOYINA | Tanvi BUCHIBOYINA #220 Female Y08 | 00:23:48.24 | 00:23:48.24 | 90 (508) | Y08 | 90 | 00:11:31.31 | Female | 508 | Sparta | 82 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:40 min/km | 00:12:24.23 | 8:00 min/km | 531 | 94 | 506 | 00:11:24.00 | 7:21 min/km | 501 | 85 | 472 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:12:24.23 | 00:12:24.23 | 00:12:24.23 | 09:32:59.23 | 531 | 94 | 506 | 531 | 94 | 506 | Finish | 00:23:48.24 | 00:11:24.00 | 00:11:24.00 | 09:44:23.24 | 533 | 90 | 508 | 501 | 85 | 472 |
| 544 | 142 | Sienna MILLER | Sienna MILLER #142 Female Y08 | 00:24:31.76 | 00:24:31.76 | 91 (519) | Y08 | 91 | 00:12:14.83 | Female | 519 | Athens | 88 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:54 min/km | 00:12:36.67 | 8:08 min/km | 538 | 96 | 513 | 00:11:55.08 | 7:41 min/km | 526 | 91 | 497 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:12:36.67 | 00:12:36.67 | 00:12:36.67 | 09:33:11.67 | 538 | 96 | 513 | 538 | 96 | 513 | Finish | 00:24:31.76 | 00:11:55.08 | 00:11:55.08 | 09:45:06.76 | 544 | 91 | 519 | 526 | 91 | 497 |
| 545 | 146 | Georgia READ | Georgia READ #146 Female Y08 | 00:24:31.76 | 00:24:31.76 | 92 (520) | Y08 | 92 | 00:12:14.83 | Female | 520 | Athens | 89 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:54 min/km | 00:12:36.27 | 8:07 min/km | 537 | 95 | 512 | 00:11:55.49 | 7:41 min/km | 527 | 92 | 498 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:12:36.27 | 00:12:36.27 | 00:12:36.27 | 09:33:11.27 | 537 | 95 | 512 | 537 | 95 | 512 | Finish | 00:24:31.76 | 00:11:55.49 | 00:11:55.49 | 09:45:06.76 | 545 | 92 | 520 | 527 | 92 | 498 |
| 549 | 238 | Annie YANG | Annie YANG #238 Female Y08 | 00:24:47.83 | 00:24:47.83 | 93 (524) | Y08 | 93 | 00:12:30.90 | Female | 524 | Sparta | 86 | 0 | 3.1 | 7:59 min/km | 00:11:38.86 | 7:30 min/km | 513 | 91 | 488 | 00:13:08.97 | 8:29 min/km | 567 | 93 | 538 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:38.86 | 00:11:38.86 | 00:11:38.86 | 09:32:13.86 | 513 | 91 | 488 | 513 | 91 | 488 | Finish | 00:24:47.83 | 00:13:08.97 | 00:13:08.97 | 09:45:22.83 | 549 | 93 | 524 | 567 | 93 | 538 |
| 576 | 243 | Jacqueline GILBERT | Jacqueline GILBERT #243 Female Y08 | 00:26:50.84 | 00:26:50.84 | 94 (551) | Y08 | 94 | 00:14:33.91 | Female | 551 | Troy | 94 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:39 min/km | 00:13:12.71 | 8:31 min/km | 555 | 97 | 530 | 00:13:38.13 | 8:47 min/km | 593 | 101 | 564 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:12.71 | 00:13:12.71 | 00:13:12.71 | 09:33:47.71 | 555 | 97 | 530 | 555 | 97 | 530 | Finish | 00:26:50.84 | 00:13:38.13 | 00:13:38.13 | 09:47:25.84 | 576 | 94 | 551 | 593 | 101 | 564 |
| 577 | 241 | Lucy CHANDLER | Lucy CHANDLER #241 Female Y08 | 00:26:58.37 | 00:26:58.37 | 95 (552) | Y08 | 95 | 00:14:41.44 | Female | 552 | Troy | 95 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:42 min/km | 00:13:29.22 | 8:42 min/km | 564 | 98 | 539 | 00:13:29.14 | 8:42 min/km | 585 | 98 | 556 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:29.22 | 00:13:29.22 | 00:13:29.22 | 09:34:04.22 | 564 | 98 | 539 | 564 | 98 | 539 | Finish | 00:26:58.37 | 00:13:29.14 | 00:13:29.14 | 09:47:33.37 | 577 | 95 | 552 | 585 | 98 | 556 |
| 578 | 170 | Gemma TAYLOR | Gemma TAYLOR #170 Female Y08 | 00:26:58.99 | 00:26:58.99 | 96 (553) | Y08 | 96 | 00:14:42.06 | Female | 553 | Corinth | 84 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:42 min/km | 00:13:30.64 | 8:42 min/km | 565 | 99 | 540 | 00:13:28.34 | 8:41 min/km | 584 | 97 | 555 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:30.64 | 00:13:30.64 | 00:13:30.64 | 09:34:05.64 | 565 | 99 | 540 | 565 | 99 | 540 | Finish | 00:26:58.99 | 00:13:28.34 | 00:13:28.34 | 09:47:33.99 | 578 | 96 | 553 | 584 | 97 | 555 |
| 598 | 244 | Lucy HE | Lucy HE #244 Female Y08 | 00:27:55.13 | 00:27:55.13 | 97 (572) | Y08 | 97 | 00:15:38.20 | Female | 572 | Troy | 99 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:00 min/km | 00:14:27.45 | 9:19 min/km | 589 | 101 | 564 | 00:13:27.67 | 8:41 min/km | 583 | 96 | 554 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:27.45 | 00:14:27.45 | 00:14:27.45 | 09:35:02.45 | 589 | 101 | 564 | 589 | 101 | 564 | Finish | 00:27:55.13 | 00:13:27.67 | 00:13:27.67 | 09:48:30.13 | 598 | 97 | 572 | 583 | 96 | 554 |
| 599 | 185 | Tina LIU | Tina LIU #185 Female Y08 | 00:27:55.32 | 00:27:55.32 | 98 (573) | Y08 | 98 | 00:15:38.39 | Female | 573 | Olympia | 89 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:00 min/km | 00:14:29.70 | 9:21 min/km | 591 | 102 | 566 | 00:13:25.62 | 8:39 min/km | 577 | 95 | 548 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:29.70 | 00:14:29.70 | 00:14:29.70 | 09:35:04.70 | 591 | 102 | 566 | 591 | 102 | 566 | Finish | 00:27:55.32 | 00:13:25.62 | 00:13:25.62 | 09:48:30.32 | 599 | 98 | 573 | 577 | 95 | 548 |
| 627 | 246 | Anna KENNEDY | Anna KENNEDY #246 Female Y08 | 00:29:07.90 | 00:29:07.90 | 99 (601) | Y08 | 99 | 00:16:50.97 | Female | 601 | Troy | 102 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:23 min/km | 00:15:47.96 | 10:11 min/km | 642 | 106 | 617 | 00:13:19.93 | 8:36 min/km | 574 | 94 | 545 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:47.96 | 00:15:47.96 | 00:15:47.96 | 09:36:22.96 | 642 | 106 | 617 | 642 | 106 | 617 | Finish | 00:29:07.90 | 00:13:19.93 | 00:13:19.93 | 09:49:42.90 | 627 | 99 | 601 | 574 | 94 | 545 |
| 634 | 257 | Lila WATT | Lila WATT #257 Female Y08 | 00:29:26.40 | 00:29:26.40 | 100 (608) | Y08 | 100 | 00:17:09.47 | Female | 608 | Troy | 103 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:29 min/km | 00:15:55.95 | 10:16 min/km | 645 | 108 | 620 | 00:13:30.45 | 8:42 min/km | 587 | 99 | 558 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:55.95 | 00:15:55.95 | 00:15:55.95 | 09:36:30.95 | 645 | 108 | 620 | 645 | 108 | 620 | Finish | 00:29:26.40 | 00:13:30.45 | 00:13:30.45 | 09:50:01.40 | 634 | 100 | 608 | 587 | 99 | 558 |
| 635 | 194 | Harper YOUNG | Harper YOUNG #194 Female Y08 | 00:29:26.46 | 00:29:26.46 | 101 (609) | Y08 | 101 | 00:17:09.53 | Female | 609 | Olympia | 98 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:29 min/km | 00:15:55.63 | 10:16 min/km | 644 | 107 | 619 | 00:13:30.83 | 8:43 min/km | 588 | 100 | 559 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:55.63 | 00:15:55.63 | 00:15:55.63 | 09:36:30.63 | 644 | 107 | 619 | 644 | 107 | 619 | Finish | 00:29:26.46 | 00:13:30.83 | 00:13:30.83 | 09:50:01.46 | 635 | 101 | 609 | 588 | 100 | 559 |
| 636 | 153 | Annabel DASS | Annabel DASS #153 Female Y08 | 00:29:30.12 | 00:29:30.12 | 102 (610) | Y08 | 102 | 00:17:13.19 | Female | 610 | Corinth | 100 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:31 min/km | 00:14:45.79 | 9:31 min/km | 603 | 104 | 578 | 00:14:44.33 | 9:30 min/km | 624 | 102 | 595 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:45.79 | 00:14:45.79 | 00:14:45.79 | 09:35:20.79 | 603 | 104 | 578 | 603 | 104 | 578 | Finish | 00:29:30.12 | 00:14:44.33 | 00:14:44.33 | 09:50:05.12 | 636 | 102 | 610 | 624 | 102 | 595 |
| 638 | 248 | Liliana LANE | Liliana LANE #248 Female Y08 | 00:29:34.19 | 00:29:34.19 | 103 (612) | Y08 | 103 | 00:17:17.26 | Female | 612 | Troy | 104 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:32 min/km | 00:14:46.42 | 9:31 min/km | 604 | 105 | 579 | 00:14:47.77 | 9:32 min/km | 626 | 103 | 597 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:46.42 | 00:14:46.42 | 00:14:46.42 | 09:35:21.42 | 604 | 105 | 579 | 604 | 105 | 579 | Finish | 00:29:34.19 | 00:14:47.77 | 00:14:47.77 | 09:50:09.19 | 638 | 103 | 612 | 626 | 103 | 597 |
| 644 | 217 | Jessica YUJNOVICH | Jessica YUJNOVICH #217 Female Y08 | 00:30:13.66 | 00:30:13.66 | 104 (618) | Y08 | 104 | 00:17:56.73 | Female | 618 | Rome | 97 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:45 min/km | 00:14:06.69 | 9:06 min/km | 579 | 100 | 554 | 00:16:06.97 | 10:23 min/km | 662 | 105 | 633 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:06.69 | 00:14:06.69 | 00:14:06.69 | 09:34:41.69 | 579 | 100 | 554 | 579 | 100 | 554 | Finish | 00:30:13.66 | 00:16:06.97 | 00:16:06.97 | 09:50:48.66 | 644 | 104 | 618 | 662 | 105 | 633 |
| 645 | 195 | Yuli ZONG | Yuli ZONG #195 Female Y08 | 00:30:20.99 | 00:30:20.99 | 105 (619) | Y08 | 105 | 00:18:04.06 | Female | 619 | Olympia | 101 | 0 | 3.1 | 9:47 min/km | 00:14:33.20 | 9:23 min/km | 592 | 103 | 567 | 00:15:47.78 | 10:11 min/km | 656 | 104 | 627 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:33.20 | 00:14:33.20 | 00:14:33.20 | 09:35:08.20 | 592 | 103 | 567 | 592 | 103 | 567 | Finish | 00:30:20.99 | 00:15:47.78 | 00:15:47.78 | 09:50:55.99 | 645 | 105 | 619 | 656 | 104 | 627 |
| 693 | 186 | Summer LOWE | Summer LOWE #186 Female Y08 | 00:38:07.10 | 00:38:07.10 | 106 (666) | Y08 | 106 | 00:25:50.17 | Female | 666 | Olympia | 109 | 0 | 3.1 | 12:17 min/km | 00:19:16.93 | 12:26 min/km | 689 | 110 | 664 | 00:18:50.17 | 12:09 min/km | 684 | 108 | 655 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:19:16.93 | 00:19:16.93 | 00:19:16.93 | 09:39:51.93 | 689 | 110 | 664 | 689 | 110 | 664 | Finish | 00:38:07.10 | 00:18:50.17 | 00:18:50.17 | 09:58:42.10 | 693 | 106 | 666 | 684 | 108 | 655 |
| 694 | 204 | Sayako KOBAYASHI | Sayako KOBAYASHI #204 Female Y08 | 00:38:07.32 | 00:38:07.32 | 107 (667) | Y08 | 107 | 00:25:50.39 | Female | 667 | Rome | 105 | 0 | 3.1 | 12:17 min/km | 00:19:14.69 | 12:24 min/km | 688 | 109 | 663 | 00:18:52.62 | 12:10 min/km | 685 | 109 | 656 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:19:14.69 | 00:19:14.69 | 00:19:14.69 | 09:39:49.69 | 688 | 109 | 663 | 688 | 109 | 663 | Finish | 00:38:07.32 | 00:18:52.62 | 00:18:52.62 | 09:58:42.32 | 694 | 107 | 667 | 685 | 109 | 656 |
| 695 | 190 | Tory TOMLINSON | Tory TOMLINSON #190 Female Y08 | 00:38:07.72 | 00:38:07.72 | 108 (668) | Y08 | 108 | 00:25:50.79 | Female | 668 | Olympia | 110 | 0 | 3.1 | 12:17 min/km | 00:19:28.53 | 12:33 min/km | 690 | 111 | 665 | 00:18:39.18 | 12:02 min/km | 683 | 107 | 654 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:19:28.53 | 00:19:28.53 | 00:19:28.53 | 09:40:03.53 | 690 | 111 | 665 | 690 | 111 | 665 | Finish | 00:38:07.72 | 00:18:39.18 | 00:18:39.18 | 09:58:42.72 | 695 | 108 | 668 | 683 | 107 | 654 |
| 696 | 175 | Leila BELLOTTI | Leila BELLOTTI #175 Female Y08 | 00:38:10.36 | 00:38:10.36 | 109 (669) | Y08 | 109 | 00:25:53.43 | Female | 669 | Olympia | 111 | 0 | 3.1 | 12:18 min/km | 00:19:33.62 | 12:37 min/km | 691 | 112 | 666 | 00:18:36.74 | 12:00 min/km | 682 | 106 | 653 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:19:33.62 | 00:19:33.62 | 00:19:33.62 | 09:40:08.62 | 691 | 112 | 666 | 691 | 112 | 666 | Finish | 00:38:10.36 | 00:18:36.74 | 00:18:36.74 | 09:58:45.36 | 696 | 109 | 669 | 682 | 106 | 653 |
| | 163 | Tessa MAHER | Tessa MAHER #163 Female Y08 | Started | Started | | Y08 | | | Female | | Corinth | | 0 | 3.1 | | 00:11:02.22 | 7:07 min/km | 470 | 82 | 445 | | | | | |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:02.22 | 00:11:02.22 | 00:11:02.22 | 09:31:37.22 | 470 | 82 | 445 | 470 | 82 | 445 | Finish | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 164 | Mya MALLAWARACHCHI | Mya MALLAWARACHCHI #164 Female Y08 | Not started | Not started | | Y08 | | | Female | | Corinth | | 0 | 3.1 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | | | | | | | | | | | Finish | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 165 | Olivia PIZIMOLAS | Olivia PIZIMOLAS #165 Female Y08 | Not started | Not started | | Y08 | | | Female | | Corinth | | 0 | 3.1 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | | | | | | | | | | | Finish | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 192 | Sophie VO | Sophie VO #192 Female Y08 | Not started | Not started | | Y08 | | | Female | | Olympia | | 0 | 3.1 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | | | | | | | | | | | Finish | | | | | | | | | | |