| Pos | Race No | Name | Name | Time | Time | Cat Pos (Gen Pos) | Category | Cat Pos | Time Behind Cat | Gender | Gen Pos | Team | Pos In Team | Points | Dist | Pace | MidPoint | Pace | O/Pos | C/Pos | G/Pos | Finish | Pace | O/Pos | C/Pos | G/Pos |
| 178 | 641 | Kristy LO | Kristy LO #641 Female Y12 | 00:15:51.30 | 00:15:51.30 | 18 (154) | Y12 | 18 | 00:03:40.91 | Female | 154 | Athens | 23 | 34 | 3.1 | 5:06 min/km | 00:07:55.64 | 5:06 min/km | 178 | 21 | 154 | 00:07:55.66 | 5:06 min/km | 182 | 18 | 156 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:07:55.64 | 00:07:55.64 | 00:07:55.64 | 08:26:15.64 | 178 | 21 | 154 | 178 | 21 | 154 | Finish | 00:15:51.30 | 00:07:55.66 | 00:07:55.66 | 08:34:11.30 | 178 | 18 | 154 | 182 | 18 | 156 |
| 184 | 691 | Emma PENNEFATHER | Emma PENNEFATHER #691 Female Y12 | 00:16:00.33 | 00:16:00.33 | 19 (160) | Y12 | 19 | 00:03:49.94 | Female | 160 | Olympia | 18 | 33 | 3.1 | 5:09 min/km | 00:08:00.33 | 5:09 min/km | 189 | 22 | 165 | 00:08:00.00 | 5:09 min/km | 188 | 19 | 162 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:00.33 | 00:08:00.33 | 00:08:00.33 | 08:26:20.33 | 189 | 22 | 165 | 189 | 22 | 165 | Finish | 00:16:00.33 | 00:08:00.00 | 00:08:00.00 | 08:34:20.33 | 184 | 19 | 160 | 188 | 19 | 162 |
| 193 | 750 | Charlotte BUTLER | Charlotte BUTLER #750 Female Y12 | 00:16:12.04 | 00:16:12.04 | 20 (169) | Y12 | 20 | 00:04:01.65 | Female | 169 | Troy | 15 | 32 | 3.1 | 5:13 min/km | 00:07:45.86 | 5:00 min/km | 156 | 17 | 133 | 00:08:26.17 | 5:26 min/km | 232 | 28 | 204 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:07:45.86 | 00:07:45.86 | 00:07:45.86 | 08:26:05.86 | 156 | 17 | 133 | 156 | 17 | 133 | Finish | 00:16:12.04 | 00:08:26.17 | 00:08:26.17 | 08:34:32.04 | 193 | 20 | 169 | 232 | 28 | 204 |
| 195 | 680 | Aimee ELSEGOOD | Aimee ELSEGOOD #680 Female Y12 | 00:16:17.73 | 00:16:17.73 | 21 (171) | Y12 | 21 | 00:04:07.34 | Female | 171 | Olympia | 20 | 31 | 3.1 | 5:15 min/km | 00:07:53.40 | 5:05 min/km | 172 | 19 | 148 | 00:08:24.33 | 5:25 min/km | 229 | 27 | 201 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:07:53.40 | 00:07:53.40 | 00:07:53.40 | 08:26:13.40 | 172 | 19 | 148 | 172 | 19 | 148 | Finish | 00:16:17.73 | 00:08:24.33 | 00:08:24.33 | 08:34:37.73 | 195 | 21 | 171 | 229 | 27 | 201 |
| 213 | 676 | Meg COONEY | Meg COONEY #676 Female Y12 | 00:16:33.03 | 00:16:33.03 | 22 (189) | Y12 | 22 | 00:04:22.64 | Female | 189 | Olympia | 22 | 30 | 3.1 | 5:20 min/km | 00:08:18.48 | 5:21 min/km | 225 | 24 | 201 | 00:08:14.55 | 5:19 min/km | 212 | 23 | 185 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:18.48 | 00:08:18.48 | 00:08:18.48 | 08:26:38.48 | 225 | 24 | 201 | 225 | 24 | 201 | Finish | 00:16:33.03 | 00:08:14.55 | 00:08:14.55 | 08:34:53.03 | 213 | 22 | 189 | 212 | 23 | 185 |
| 214 | 764 | Charlie SINGLETON | Charlie SINGLETON #764 Female Y12 | 00:16:33.04 | 00:16:33.04 | 23 (190) | Y12 | 23 | 00:04:22.65 | Female | 190 | Troy | 19 | 29 | 3.1 | 5:20 min/km | 00:08:18.94 | 5:21 min/km | 227 | 25 | 203 | 00:08:14.10 | 5:18 min/km | 211 | 22 | 184 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:18.94 | 00:08:18.94 | 00:08:18.94 | 08:26:38.94 | 227 | 25 | 203 | 227 | 25 | 203 | Finish | 00:16:33.04 | 00:08:14.10 | 00:08:14.10 | 08:34:53.04 | 214 | 23 | 190 | 211 | 22 | 184 |
| 222 | 639 | Rori LEAVERSUCH | Rori LEAVERSUCH #639 Female Y12 | 00:16:38.83 | 00:16:38.83 | 24 (198) | Y12 | 24 | 00:04:28.44 | Female | 198 | Athens | 29 | 28 | 3.1 | 5:22 min/km | 00:08:15.93 | 5:19 min/km | 218 | 23 | 194 | 00:08:22.89 | 5:24 min/km | 228 | 26 | 200 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:15.93 | 00:08:15.93 | 00:08:15.93 | 08:26:35.93 | 218 | 23 | 194 | 218 | 23 | 194 | Finish | 00:16:38.83 | 00:08:22.89 | 00:08:22.89 | 08:34:58.83 | 222 | 24 | 198 | 228 | 26 | 200 |
| 224 | 759 | Ines HUTCHINSON | Ines HUTCHINSON #759 Female Y12 | 00:16:40.55 | 00:16:40.55 | 25 (200) | Y12 | 25 | 00:04:30.16 | Female | 200 | Troy | 23 | 27 | 3.1 | 5:22 min/km | 00:08:29.05 | 5:28 min/km | 245 | 28 | 221 | 00:08:11.50 | 5:17 min/km | 208 | 21 | 181 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:29.05 | 00:08:29.05 | 00:08:29.05 | 08:26:49.05 | 245 | 28 | 221 | 245 | 28 | 221 | Finish | 00:16:40.55 | 00:08:11.50 | 00:08:11.50 | 08:35:00.55 | 224 | 25 | 200 | 208 | 21 | 181 |
| 231 | 693 | Lara SMITH | Lara SMITH #693 Female Y12 | 00:16:51.14 | 00:16:51.14 | 26 (207) | Y12 | 26 | 00:04:40.75 | Female | 207 | Olympia | 29 | 26 | 3.1 | 5:26 min/km | 00:09:29.18 | 6:07 min/km | 349 | 38 | 325 | 00:07:21.96 | 4:45 min/km | 139 | 13 | 114 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:29.18 | 00:09:29.18 | 00:09:29.18 | 08:27:49.18 | 349 | 38 | 325 | 349 | 38 | 325 | Finish | 00:16:51.14 | 00:07:21.96 | 00:07:21.96 | 08:35:11.14 | 231 | 26 | 207 | 139 | 13 | 114 |
| 243 | 760 | Aya KADHIM | Aya KADHIM #760 Female Y12 | 00:17:04.76 | 00:17:04.76 | 27 (219) | Y12 | 27 | 00:04:54.37 | Female | 219 | Troy | 26 | 25 | 3.1 | 5:30 min/km | 00:08:20.49 | 5:22 min/km | 230 | 26 | 206 | 00:08:44.27 | 5:38 min/km | 263 | 30 | 235 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:20.49 | 00:08:20.49 | 00:08:20.49 | 08:26:40.49 | 230 | 26 | 206 | 230 | 26 | 206 | Finish | 00:17:04.76 | 00:08:44.27 | 00:08:44.27 | 08:35:24.76 | 243 | 27 | 219 | 263 | 30 | 235 |
| 245 | 696 | Ruby TURKICH | Ruby TURKICH #696 Female Y12 | 00:17:08.33 | 00:17:08.33 | 28 (221) | Y12 | 28 | 00:04:57.94 | Female | 221 | Olympia | 32 | 24 | 3.1 | 5:31 min/km | 00:08:24.94 | 5:25 min/km | 236 | 27 | 212 | 00:08:43.38 | 5:37 min/km | 262 | 29 | 234 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:24.94 | 00:08:24.94 | 00:08:24.94 | 08:26:44.94 | 236 | 27 | 212 | 236 | 27 | 212 | Finish | 00:17:08.33 | 00:08:43.38 | 00:08:43.38 | 08:35:28.33 | 245 | 28 | 221 | 262 | 29 | 234 |
| 268 | 667 | Anne MILLAR | Anne MILLAR #667 Female Y12 | 00:17:38.75 | 00:17:38.75 | 29 (244) | Y12 | 29 | 00:05:28.36 | Female | 244 | Corinth | 29 | 23 | 3.1 | 5:41 min/km | 00:08:46.93 | 5:39 min/km | 277 | 30 | 253 | 00:08:51.82 | 5:43 min/km | 282 | 33 | 253 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:46.93 | 00:08:46.93 | 00:08:46.93 | 08:27:06.93 | 277 | 30 | 253 | 277 | 30 | 253 | Finish | 00:17:38.75 | 00:08:51.82 | 00:08:51.82 | 08:35:58.75 | 268 | 29 | 244 | 282 | 33 | 253 |
| 269 | 653 | Siobhan CONNOLLY | Siobhan CONNOLLY #653 Female Y12 | 00:17:38.76 | 00:17:38.76 | 30 (245) | Y12 | 30 | 00:05:28.37 | Female | 245 | Corinth | 31 | 22 | 3.1 | 5:41 min/km | 00:08:48.40 | 5:40 min/km | 286 | 32 | 262 | 00:08:50.36 | 5:42 min/km | 278 | 32 | 249 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:48.40 | 00:08:48.40 | 00:08:48.40 | 08:27:08.40 | 286 | 32 | 262 | 286 | 32 | 262 | Finish | 00:17:38.76 | 00:08:50.36 | 00:08:50.36 | 08:35:58.76 | 269 | 30 | 245 | 278 | 32 | 249 |
| 291 | 627 | Jaya BARLOW | Jaya BARLOW #627 Female Y12 | 00:17:53.43 | 00:17:53.43 | 31 (267) | Y12 | 31 | 00:05:43.04 | Female | 267 | Athens | 33 | 21 | 3.1 | 5:46 min/km | 00:08:48.79 | 5:41 min/km | 290 | 35 | 266 | 00:09:04.63 | 5:51 min/km | 304 | 34 | 275 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:48.79 | 00:08:48.79 | 00:08:48.79 | 08:27:08.79 | 290 | 35 | 266 | 290 | 35 | 266 | Finish | 00:17:53.43 | 00:09:04.63 | 00:09:04.63 | 08:36:13.43 | 291 | 31 | 267 | 304 | 34 | 275 |
| 296 | 686 | Eloise LONG | Eloise LONG #686 Female Y12 | 00:17:57.83 | 00:17:57.83 | 32 (272) | Y12 | 32 | 00:05:47.44 | Female | 272 | Olympia | 38 | 20 | 3.1 | 5:47 min/km | 00:08:48.19 | 5:40 min/km | 285 | 31 | 261 | 00:09:09.64 | 5:54 min/km | 307 | 35 | 278 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:48.19 | 00:08:48.19 | 00:08:48.19 | 08:27:08.19 | 285 | 31 | 261 | 285 | 31 | 261 | Finish | 00:17:57.83 | 00:09:09.64 | 00:09:09.64 | 08:36:17.83 | 296 | 32 | 272 | 307 | 35 | 278 |
| 307 | 665 | Mia MATHER | Mia MATHER #665 Female Y12 | 00:18:08.30 | 00:18:08.30 | 33 (283) | Y12 | 33 | 00:05:57.91 | Female | 283 | Corinth | 34 | 19 | 3.1 | 5:51 min/km | 00:08:48.44 | 5:40 min/km | 287 | 33 | 263 | 00:09:19.86 | 6:01 min/km | 325 | 37 | 296 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:48.44 | 00:08:48.44 | 00:08:48.44 | 08:27:08.44 | 287 | 33 | 263 | 287 | 33 | 263 | Finish | 00:18:08.30 | 00:09:19.86 | 00:09:19.86 | 08:36:28.30 | 307 | 33 | 283 | 325 | 37 | 296 |
| 308 | 689 | Bridget MUIR | Bridget MUIR #689 Female Y12 | 00:18:08.30 | 00:18:08.30 | 34 (284) | Y12 | 34 | 00:05:57.91 | Female | 284 | Olympia | 42 | 18 | 3.1 | 5:51 min/km | 00:08:48.59 | 5:41 min/km | 288 | 34 | 264 | 00:09:19.71 | 6:01 min/km | 323 | 36 | 294 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:48.59 | 00:08:48.59 | 00:08:48.59 | 08:27:08.59 | 288 | 34 | 264 | 288 | 34 | 264 | Finish | 00:18:08.30 | 00:09:19.71 | 00:09:19.71 | 08:36:28.30 | 308 | 34 | 284 | 323 | 36 | 294 |
| 322 | 705 | Katrina GORLANCHUK | Katrina GORLANCHUK #705 Female Y12 | 00:18:24.99 | 00:18:24.99 | 35 (297) | Y12 | 35 | 00:06:14.60 | Female | 297 | Rome | 30 | 17 | 3.1 | 5:56 min/km | 00:08:54.09 | 5:44 min/km | 296 | 36 | 272 | 00:09:30.89 | 6:08 min/km | 345 | 39 | 316 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:54.09 | 00:08:54.09 | 00:08:54.09 | 08:27:14.09 | 296 | 36 | 272 | 296 | 36 | 272 | Finish | 00:18:24.99 | 00:09:30.89 | 00:09:30.89 | 08:36:44.99 | 322 | 35 | 297 | 345 | 39 | 316 |
| 365 | 748 | Libby BARRETT-LENNARD | Libby BARRETT-LENNARD #748 Female Y12 | 00:19:12.83 | 00:19:12.83 | 36 (340) | Y12 | 36 | 00:07:02.44 | Female | 340 | Troy | 34 | 16 | 3.1 | 6:11 min/km | 00:08:38.18 | 5:34 min/km | 259 | 29 | 235 | 00:10:34.64 | 6:49 min/km | 442 | 44 | 413 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:08:38.18 | 00:08:38.18 | 00:08:38.18 | 08:26:58.18 | 259 | 29 | 235 | 259 | 29 | 235 | Finish | 00:19:12.83 | 00:10:34.64 | 00:10:34.64 | 08:37:32.83 | 365 | 36 | 340 | 442 | 44 | 413 |
| 367 | 734 | Lily PRICE | Lily PRICE #734 Female Y12 | 00:19:14.07 | 00:19:14.07 | 37 (342) | Y12 | 37 | 00:07:03.68 | Female | 342 | Sparta | 35 | 15 | 3.1 | 6:12 min/km | 00:10:24.68 | 6:43 min/km | 433 | 43 | 408 | 00:08:49.38 | 5:41 min/km | 275 | 31 | 246 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:24.68 | 00:10:24.68 | 00:10:24.68 | 08:28:44.68 | 433 | 43 | 408 | 433 | 43 | 408 | Finish | 00:19:14.07 | 00:08:49.38 | 00:08:49.38 | 08:37:34.07 | 367 | 37 | 342 | 275 | 31 | 246 |
| 372 | 726 | Lydia DE COURTENAY | Lydia DE COURTENAY #726 Female Y12 | 00:19:24.05 | 00:19:24.05 | 38 (347) | Y12 | 38 | 00:07:13.66 | Female | 347 | Sparta | 37 | 14 | 3.1 | 6:15 min/km | 00:09:30.93 | 6:08 min/km | 355 | 40 | 331 | 00:09:53.11 | 6:22 min/km | 376 | 40 | 347 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:30.93 | 00:09:30.93 | 00:09:30.93 | 08:27:50.93 | 355 | 40 | 331 | 355 | 40 | 331 | Finish | 00:19:24.05 | 00:09:53.11 | 00:09:53.11 | 08:37:44.05 | 372 | 38 | 347 | 376 | 40 | 347 |
| 373 | 744 | Pippi WHITING | Pippi WHITING #744 Female Y12 | 00:19:24.08 | 00:19:24.08 | 39 (348) | Y12 | 39 | 00:07:13.69 | Female | 348 | Sparta | 39 | 13 | 3.1 | 6:15 min/km | 00:09:30.53 | 6:08 min/km | 352 | 39 | 328 | 00:09:53.55 | 6:22 min/km | 377 | 41 | 348 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:30.53 | 00:09:30.53 | 00:09:30.53 | 08:27:50.53 | 352 | 39 | 328 | 352 | 39 | 328 | Finish | 00:19:24.08 | 00:09:53.55 | 00:09:53.55 | 08:37:44.08 | 373 | 39 | 348 | 377 | 41 | 348 |
| 374 | 701 | Linda CAO | Linda CAO #701 Female Y12 | 00:19:28.58 | 00:19:28.58 | 40 (349) | Y12 | 40 | 00:07:18.19 | Female | 349 | Rome | 36 | 12 | 3.1 | 6:16 min/km | 00:09:32.15 | 6:09 min/km | 361 | 41 | 337 | 00:09:56.42 | 6:24 min/km | 383 | 42 | 354 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:09:32.15 | 00:09:32.15 | 00:09:32.15 | 08:27:52.15 | 361 | 41 | 337 | 361 | 41 | 337 | Finish | 00:19:28.58 | 00:09:56.42 | 00:09:56.42 | 08:37:48.58 | 374 | 40 | 349 | 383 | 42 | 354 |
| 382 | 715 | Georgia SCHUBERT | Georgia SCHUBERT #715 Female Y12 | 00:19:40.11 | 00:19:40.11 | 41 (357) | Y12 | 41 | 00:07:29.72 | Female | 357 | Rome | 38 | 11 | 3.1 | 6:20 min/km | 00:10:15.52 | 6:37 min/km | 422 | 42 | 397 | 00:09:24.58 | 6:04 min/km | 330 | 38 | 301 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:15.52 | 00:10:15.52 | 00:10:15.52 | 08:28:35.52 | 422 | 42 | 397 | 422 | 42 | 397 | Finish | 00:19:40.11 | 00:09:24.58 | 00:09:24.58 | 08:38:00.11 | 382 | 41 | 357 | 330 | 38 | 301 |
| 388 | 675 | Ffion BUZZA | Ffion BUZZA #675 Female Y12 | 00:19:46.33 | 00:19:46.33 | 42 (363) | Y12 | 42 | 00:07:35.94 | Female | 363 | Olympia | 48 | 10 | 3.1 | 6:22 min/km | 00:11:29.30 | 7:24 min/km | 499 | 48 | 474 | 00:08:17.03 | 5:20 min/km | 216 | 24 | 188 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:29.30 | 00:11:29.30 | 00:11:29.30 | 08:29:49.30 | 499 | 48 | 474 | 499 | 48 | 474 | Finish | 00:19:46.33 | 00:08:17.03 | 00:08:17.03 | 08:38:06.33 | 388 | 42 | 363 | 216 | 24 | 188 |
| 389 | 700 | Grace ANWAR | Grace ANWAR #700 Female Y12 | 00:19:46.42 | 00:19:46.42 | 43 (364) | Y12 | 43 | 00:07:36.03 | Female | 364 | Rome | 41 | 9 | 3.1 | 6:22 min/km | 00:11:29.30 | 7:24 min/km | 500 | 49 | 475 | 00:08:17.12 | 5:20 min/km | 217 | 25 | 189 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:29.30 | 00:11:29.30 | 00:11:29.30 | 08:29:49.30 | 500 | 49 | 475 | 500 | 49 | 475 | Finish | 00:19:46.42 | 00:08:17.12 | 00:08:17.12 | 08:38:06.42 | 389 | 43 | 364 | 217 | 25 | 189 |
| 442 | 747 | Amy BANTOCK | Amy BANTOCK #747 Female Y12 | 00:20:58.06 | 00:20:58.06 | 44 (417) | Y12 | 44 | 00:08:47.67 | Female | 417 | Troy | 44 | 8 | 3.1 | 6:45 min/km | 00:10:26.92 | 6:44 min/km | 435 | 44 | 410 | 00:10:31.14 | 6:47 min/km | 434 | 43 | 405 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:26.92 | 00:10:26.92 | 00:10:26.92 | 08:28:46.92 | 435 | 44 | 410 | 435 | 44 | 410 | Finish | 00:20:58.06 | 00:10:31.14 | 00:10:31.14 | 08:39:18.06 | 442 | 44 | 417 | 434 | 43 | 405 |
| 497 | 755 | Taylah DONNELLY | Taylah DONNELLY #755 Female Y12 | 00:22:31.07 | 00:22:31.07 | 45 (472) | Y12 | 45 | 00:10:20.68 | Female | 472 | Troy | 45 | 7 | 3.1 | 7:15 min/km | 00:11:52.91 | 7:39 min/km | 522 | 50 | 497 | 00:10:38.16 | 6:51 min/km | 455 | 45 | 426 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:52.91 | 00:11:52.91 | 00:11:52.91 | 08:30:12.91 | 522 | 50 | 497 | 522 | 50 | 497 | Finish | 00:22:31.07 | 00:10:38.16 | 00:10:38.16 | 08:40:51.07 | 497 | 45 | 472 | 455 | 45 | 426 |
| 500 | 762 | Eunice LI | Eunice LI #762 Female Y12 | 00:22:36.14 | 00:22:36.14 | 46 (475) | Y12 | 46 | 00:10:25.75 | Female | 475 | Troy | 46 | 6 | 3.1 | 7:17 min/km | 00:10:59.42 | 7:05 min/km | 467 | 46 | 442 | 00:11:36.72 | 7:29 min/km | 505 | 48 | 476 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:59.42 | 00:10:59.42 | 00:10:59.42 | 08:29:19.42 | 467 | 46 | 442 | 467 | 46 | 442 | Finish | 00:22:36.14 | 00:11:36.72 | 00:11:36.72 | 08:40:56.14 | 500 | 46 | 475 | 505 | 48 | 476 |
| 502 | 648 | Zoey ZHU | Zoey ZHU #648 Female Y12 | 00:22:37.97 | 00:22:37.97 | 47 (477) | Y12 | 47 | 00:10:27.58 | Female | 477 | Athens | 48 | 5 | 3.1 | 7:18 min/km | 00:11:00.16 | 7:05 min/km | 468 | 47 | 443 | 00:11:37.81 | 7:30 min/km | 506 | 49 | 477 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:00.16 | 00:11:00.16 | 00:11:00.16 | 08:29:20.16 | 468 | 47 | 443 | 468 | 47 | 443 | Finish | 00:22:37.97 | 00:11:37.81 | 00:11:37.81 | 08:40:57.97 | 502 | 47 | 477 | 506 | 49 | 477 |
| 527 | 637 | Jorja KIRBY | Jorja KIRBY #637 Female Y12 | 00:23:31.08 | 00:23:31.08 | 48 (502) | Y12 | 48 | 00:11:20.69 | Female | 502 | Athens | 50 | 4 | 3.1 | 7:35 min/km | 00:10:46.37 | 6:57 min/km | 455 | 45 | 430 | 00:12:44.71 | 8:13 min/km | 557 | 63 | 528 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:10:46.37 | 00:10:46.37 | 00:10:46.37 | 08:29:06.37 | 455 | 45 | 430 | 455 | 45 | 430 | Finish | 00:23:31.08 | 00:12:44.71 | 00:12:44.71 | 08:41:51.08 | 527 | 48 | 502 | 557 | 63 | 528 |
| 534 | 751 | Alex CEGLINSKI | Alex CEGLINSKI #751 Female Y12 | 00:23:54.09 | 00:23:54.09 | 49 (509) | Y12 | 49 | 00:11:43.70 | Female | 509 | Troy | 47 | 3 | 3.1 | 7:42 min/km | 00:11:53.16 | 7:40 min/km | 523 | 51 | 498 | 00:12:00.92 | 7:45 min/km | 532 | 50 | 503 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:11:53.16 | 00:11:53.16 | 00:11:53.16 | 08:30:13.16 | 523 | 51 | 498 | 523 | 51 | 498 | Finish | 00:23:54.09 | 00:12:00.92 | 00:12:00.92 | 08:42:14.09 | 534 | 49 | 509 | 532 | 50 | 503 |
| 550 | 651 | Laura CHAAR | Laura CHAAR #651 Female Y12 | 00:24:56.53 | 00:24:56.53 | 50 (525) | Y12 | 50 | 00:12:46.14 | Female | 525 | Corinth | 48 | 2 | 3.1 | 8:02 min/km | 00:13:33.66 | 8:44 min/km | 567 | 57 | 542 | 00:11:22.87 | 7:20 min/km | 499 | 47 | 470 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:33.66 | 00:13:33.66 | 00:13:33.66 | 08:31:53.66 | 567 | 57 | 542 | 567 | 57 | 542 | Finish | 00:24:56.53 | 00:11:22.87 | 00:11:22.87 | 08:43:16.53 | 550 | 50 | 525 | 499 | 47 | 470 |
| 551 | 743 | Mia WAGENAAR | Mia WAGENAAR #743 Female Y12 | 00:24:56.53 | 00:24:56.53 | 51 (526) | Y12 | 51 | 00:12:46.14 | Female | 526 | Sparta | 87 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:02 min/km | 00:13:35.34 | 8:46 min/km | 574 | 58 | 549 | 00:11:21.19 | 7:19 min/km | 498 | 46 | 469 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:35.34 | 00:13:35.34 | 00:13:35.34 | 08:31:55.34 | 574 | 58 | 549 | 574 | 58 | 549 | Finish | 00:24:56.53 | 00:11:21.19 | 00:11:21.19 | 08:43:16.53 | 551 | 51 | 526 | 498 | 46 | 469 |
| 558 | 703 | Alexia FASSETTA | Alexia FASSETTA #703 Female Y12 | 00:25:37.22 | 00:25:37.22 | 52 (533) | Y12 | 52 | 00:13:26.83 | Female | 533 | Rome | 79 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:15 min/km | 00:13:13.78 | 8:32 min/km | 558 | 54 | 533 | 00:12:23.44 | 7:59 min/km | 547 | 57 | 518 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:13.78 | 00:13:13.78 | 00:13:13.78 | 08:31:33.78 | 558 | 54 | 533 | 558 | 54 | 533 | Finish | 00:25:37.22 | 00:12:23.44 | 00:12:23.44 | 08:43:57.22 | 558 | 52 | 533 | 547 | 57 | 518 |
| 559 | 631 | Emilie ENGLAND | Emilie ENGLAND #631 Female Y12 | 00:25:37.34 | 00:25:37.34 | 53 (534) | Y12 | 53 | 00:13:26.95 | Female | 534 | Athens | 92 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:15 min/km | 00:13:13.57 | 8:31 min/km | 557 | 53 | 532 | 00:12:23.77 | 7:59 min/km | 548 | 58 | 519 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:13.57 | 00:13:13.57 | 00:13:13.57 | 08:31:33.57 | 557 | 53 | 532 | 557 | 53 | 532 | Finish | 00:25:37.34 | 00:12:23.77 | 00:12:23.77 | 08:43:57.34 | 559 | 53 | 534 | 548 | 58 | 519 |
| 560 | 688 | Sofia LOWENHOFF | Sofia LOWENHOFF #688 Female Y12 | 00:25:37.34 | 00:25:37.34 | 54 (535) | Y12 | 54 | 00:13:26.95 | Female | 535 | Olympia | 88 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:15 min/km | 00:13:13.18 | 8:31 min/km | 556 | 52 | 531 | 00:12:24.15 | 8:00 min/km | 549 | 59 | 520 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:13.18 | 00:13:13.18 | 00:13:13.18 | 08:31:33.18 | 556 | 52 | 531 | 556 | 52 | 531 | Finish | 00:25:37.34 | 00:12:24.15 | 00:12:24.15 | 08:43:57.34 | 560 | 54 | 535 | 549 | 59 | 520 |
| 562 | 671 | Betty WANG | Betty WANG #671 Female Y12 | 00:25:50.03 | 00:25:50.03 | 55 (537) | Y12 | 55 | 00:13:39.64 | Female | 537 | Corinth | 78 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:20 min/km | 00:13:31.06 | 8:43 min/km | 566 | 56 | 541 | 00:12:18.97 | 7:56 min/km | 546 | 56 | 517 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:31.06 | 00:13:31.06 | 00:13:31.06 | 08:31:51.06 | 566 | 56 | 541 | 566 | 56 | 541 | Finish | 00:25:50.03 | 00:12:18.97 | 00:12:18.97 | 08:44:10.03 | 562 | 55 | 537 | 546 | 56 | 517 |
| 563 | 672 | Rochelle ZHU | Rochelle ZHU #672 Female Y12 | 00:25:50.03 | 00:25:50.03 | 56 (538) | Y12 | 56 | 00:13:39.64 | Female | 538 | Corinth | 79 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:20 min/km | 00:13:17.63 | 8:34 min/km | 562 | 55 | 537 | 00:12:32.40 | 8:05 min/km | 554 | 62 | 525 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:17.63 | 00:13:17.63 | 00:13:17.63 | 08:31:37.63 | 562 | 55 | 537 | 562 | 55 | 537 | Finish | 00:25:50.03 | 00:12:32.40 | 00:12:32.40 | 08:44:10.03 | 563 | 56 | 538 | 554 | 62 | 525 |
| 572 | 646 | Anna MOURSOUNIDIS | Anna MOURSOUNIDIS #646 Female Y12 | 00:26:42.09 | 00:26:42.09 | 57 (547) | Y12 | 57 | 00:14:31.70 | Female | 547 | Athens | 93 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:36 min/km | 00:14:14.28 | 9:11 min/km | 586 | 65 | 561 | 00:12:27.81 | 8:02 min/km | 552 | 60 | 523 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:14.28 | 00:14:14.28 | 00:14:14.28 | 08:32:34.28 | 586 | 65 | 561 | 586 | 65 | 561 | Finish | 00:26:42.09 | 00:12:27.81 | 00:12:27.81 | 08:45:02.09 | 572 | 57 | 547 | 552 | 60 | 523 |
| 582 | 737 | Kimberley RENNER | Kimberley RENNER #737 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.35 | 00:27:07.35 | 58 (557) | Y12 | 58 | 00:14:56.96 | Female | 557 | Sparta | 91 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:44 min/km | 00:14:11.40 | 9:09 min/km | 582 | 61 | 557 | 00:12:55.95 | 8:20 min/km | 564 | 69 | 535 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:11.40 | 00:14:11.40 | 00:14:11.40 | 08:32:31.40 | 582 | 61 | 557 | 582 | 61 | 557 | Finish | 00:27:07.35 | 00:12:55.95 | 00:12:55.95 | 08:45:27.35 | 582 | 58 | 557 | 564 | 69 | 535 |
| 583 | 753 | Anna CLAYTON | Anna CLAYTON #753 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.35 | 00:27:07.35 | 59 (558) | Y12 | 59 | 00:14:56.96 | Female | 558 | Troy | 97 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:44 min/km | 00:14:12.63 | 9:10 min/km | 585 | 64 | 560 | 00:12:54.71 | 8:19 min/km | 561 | 66 | 532 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:12.63 | 00:14:12.63 | 00:14:12.63 | 08:32:32.63 | 585 | 64 | 560 | 585 | 64 | 560 | Finish | 00:27:07.35 | 00:12:54.71 | 00:12:54.71 | 08:45:27.35 | 583 | 59 | 558 | 561 | 66 | 532 |
| 584 | 718 | Ruth WILLIAMS | Ruth WILLIAMS #718 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.36 | 00:27:07.36 | 60 (559) | Y12 | 60 | 00:14:56.97 | Female | 559 | Rome | 86 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:44 min/km | 00:14:11.82 | 9:09 min/km | 584 | 63 | 559 | 00:12:55.53 | 8:20 min/km | 562 | 67 | 533 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:11.82 | 00:14:11.82 | 00:14:11.82 | 08:32:31.82 | 584 | 63 | 559 | 584 | 63 | 559 | Finish | 00:27:07.36 | 00:12:55.53 | 00:12:55.53 | 08:45:27.36 | 584 | 60 | 559 | 562 | 67 | 533 |
| 585 | 652 | Jemima CHAN | Jemima CHAN #652 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.36 | 00:27:07.36 | 61 (560) | Y12 | 61 | 00:14:56.97 | Female | 560 | Corinth | 85 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:44 min/km | 00:14:14.48 | 9:11 min/km | 587 | 66 | 562 | 00:12:52.87 | 8:18 min/km | 560 | 65 | 531 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:14.48 | 00:14:14.48 | 00:14:14.48 | 08:32:34.48 | 587 | 66 | 562 | 587 | 66 | 562 | Finish | 00:27:07.36 | 00:12:52.87 | 00:12:52.87 | 08:45:27.36 | 585 | 61 | 560 | 560 | 65 | 531 |
| 587 | 655 | Eliza DAVIS | Eliza DAVIS #655 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.56 | 00:27:07.56 | 62 (562) | Y12 | 62 | 00:14:57.17 | Female | 562 | Corinth | 86 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:45 min/km | 00:14:10.46 | 9:08 min/km | 581 | 60 | 556 | 00:12:57.09 | 8:21 min/km | 565 | 70 | 536 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:10.46 | 00:14:10.46 | 00:14:10.46 | 08:32:30.46 | 581 | 60 | 556 | 581 | 60 | 556 | Finish | 00:27:07.56 | 00:12:57.09 | 00:12:57.09 | 08:45:27.56 | 587 | 62 | 562 | 565 | 70 | 536 |
| 588 | 706 | Maddy JOHNSTON | Maddy JOHNSTON #706 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.56 | 00:27:07.56 | 63 (563) | Y12 | 63 | 00:14:57.17 | Female | 563 | Rome | 88 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:45 min/km | 00:13:53.15 | 8:57 min/km | 577 | 59 | 552 | 00:13:14.41 | 8:32 min/km | 569 | 71 | 540 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:13:53.15 | 00:13:53.15 | 00:13:53.15 | 08:32:13.15 | 577 | 59 | 552 | 577 | 59 | 552 | Finish | 00:27:07.56 | 00:13:14.41 | 00:13:14.41 | 08:45:27.56 | 588 | 63 | 563 | 569 | 71 | 540 |
| 589 | 712 | Sarah ROBINSON | Sarah ROBINSON #712 Female Y12 | 00:27:07.56 | 00:27:07.56 | 64 (564) | Y12 | 64 | 00:14:57.17 | Female | 564 | Rome | 89 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:45 min/km | 00:14:11.82 | 9:09 min/km | 583 | 62 | 558 | 00:12:55.73 | 8:20 min/km | 563 | 68 | 534 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:14:11.82 | 00:14:11.82 | 00:14:11.82 | 08:32:31.82 | 583 | 62 | 558 | 583 | 62 | 558 | Finish | 00:27:07.56 | 00:12:55.73 | 00:12:55.73 | 08:45:27.56 | 589 | 64 | 564 | 563 | 68 | 534 |
| 590 | 640 | Chloe LEE | Chloe LEE #640 Female Y12 | 00:27:29.12 | 00:27:29.12 | 65 (565) | Y12 | 65 | 00:15:18.73 | Female | 565 | Athens | 94 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:51 min/km | 00:15:19.56 | 9:53 min/km | 625 | 84 | 600 | 00:12:09.56 | 7:50 min/km | 536 | 51 | 507 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:19.56 | 00:15:19.56 | 00:15:19.56 | 08:33:39.56 | 625 | 84 | 600 | 625 | 84 | 600 | Finish | 00:27:29.12 | 00:12:09.56 | 00:12:09.56 | 08:45:49.12 | 590 | 65 | 565 | 536 | 51 | 507 |
| 591 | 708 | Amanda LATIF | Amanda LATIF #708 Female Y12 | 00:27:29.12 | 00:27:29.12 | 66 (566) | Y12 | 66 | 00:15:18.73 | Female | 566 | Rome | 90 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:51 min/km | 00:15:18.33 | 9:52 min/km | 623 | 82 | 598 | 00:12:10.79 | 7:51 min/km | 540 | 52 | 511 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:18.33 | 00:15:18.33 | 00:15:18.33 | 08:33:38.33 | 623 | 82 | 598 | 623 | 82 | 598 | Finish | 00:27:29.12 | 00:12:10.79 | 00:12:10.79 | 08:45:49.12 | 591 | 66 | 566 | 540 | 52 | 511 |
| 594 | 661 | Samantha HUANG | Samantha HUANG #661 Female Y12 | 00:27:46.59 | 00:27:46.59 | 67 (569) | Y12 | 67 | 00:15:36.20 | Female | 569 | Corinth | 87 | 0 | 3.1 | 8:57 min/km | 00:15:14.87 | 9:50 min/km | 622 | 81 | 597 | 00:12:31.71 | 8:04 min/km | 553 | 61 | 524 |
Split | Time | Accumulative Positions (from start) | Split Positions (from prev. split or leg) | | From Start | Prev Leg | Prev Split | Time of Day | Overall | Category | Gender | Overall | Category | Gender | MidPoint | 00:15:14.87 | 00:15:14.87 | 00:15:14.87 | 08:33:34.87 | 622 | 81 | 597 | 622 | 81 | 597 | Finish | 00:27:46.59 | 00:12:31.71 | 00:12:31.71 | 08:46:06.59 | 594 | 67 | 569 | 553 | 61 | 524 |